Peter Tumminello
links to online courses
Part 1: VSU Webinar
Psyche andStructure
In the introductory sessions
introduced the eight crystal structures
how they align
with the inherent qualities
of each person’s psyche.
Part 1: VSU Webinar video links
Part 2 VSU Congress
The Realm of
Gems and Minerals
The deeper results learned from his original work on gemsas well as the clinical and proving materials from the vast array of new gemstones he has worked with over the last 18 years.
Part 2: VSU Congress video links
Peter Tumminello
There is a ‘stamp of personality’ that we all carry with us … a way of behaving, a set of sensibilities and expressions that allow us to identify each other. Peter has identified this unique resource through his research into the crystal structure, and found that it ushers a valuable pathway to the simillimum.
Every mineral has a crystal structure. Research into the eight crystal structures reveals a remarkable alignment of those structures with our medicines. Peter will introduce these structures, how they align with the inherent qualities of each person’s psyche and usher valuable pathway to the simillimum.
While this is a new area of homeopathic
understanding, it clearly complements the work of Sankaran, Scholten, Welte and their fellow homeopaths with repute in the world of minerals.